Medium Reading
A Medium can bridge the gap between the physical realm and the spirit world. Many people think of a Medium as someone that can talk to the "dead." But, the spirit never dies, so it is possible to access a loved one's essence/spirit/soul after their physical body is gone. Our soul transforms upon leaving our earthly bodies, but it remains eternal.
Once a spirit transitions, it can either go to the light or stay bound to the earth. Souls that don't go to the light are what most people think of as "ghosts." The psychic world calls them earth-bounds because their spirit is stuck on the earth plane of existence. I have helped earth-bounds transition to the light countless times.
As a Medium, when I open myself up to spirit, I only work with beings that have crossed over into the light. I can't control who comes through or what they will say. You must be open, receptive, and come to a medium reading with no expectations. I say this because sometimes people think the spirit will have some big profound message, and all they want to say is, "Hi, I'm here, I'm okay!" or make an inside joke to show you who they are. In a session, many souls can come through or only one. The spirit that might come through may not be the person you intended to connect with, but they will always have a reason for being there.
Before the reading, I ask clients to ask their loved ones (they want to connect with) to come through during the session. Start asking right away. This will increase your chances of communicating with who you desire. They can hear your request.
My mission as a Psychic Medium is to bring peace, comfort, and healing to those who have lost loved ones. I help those that are left on earth move forward and live their purpose. I have seen how connecting with a lost loved one helps people remember that no one dies, only transform! I have seen this lift the pain of loss from many people.